Breeding program

The magic of young horses

“Jæja, they are so wonderful” – Hróðmar Bjarnason spending time with the yearlings.

Young horses are hard to resist. They look at us through curious eyes and are eager to learn and play and get into trouble. It is a pleasure to watch them grow, form their individual characters and transform from fuzzy, playful babies to gorgeous, interesting riding horses. The owners and breeders love to be involved in the early stages, teaching the young foals to wear a halter and lift their feet before they are sent out to the field for another few years. When they return to the farm, we entrust them to Ida to teach them all they need to know. She will base her training on the each horse’s level of maturity and accompany them at each stage, also participating in shows and exhibitions, until they are either ready to join our riding tour operation or sold. We watch their progress with pride and joy and are always happy to point out our newest additions to our guests. Below, you can meet the results of our breeding efforts sorted by year of birth.


In the first few years of their life, our foals get to be wild horses and we interact with them as little as possible to allow them to grow up into independent beings that don’t need to rely on us for survival or comfort. Later on, once we have gotten to know them, we will use this space to introduce each foal’s character and little quirks to you. Have a look at our older youngsters for an example.

NN frá Völlum

COLOUR Chestnut tobiano
SIRE Álfgrímur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum
DAM Ópal frá Hvammi

NN frá Völlum



SIRE Viti frá Kagaðarhóli

Isabella frá Midkoti

NN frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2017287085

Chestnut with star

SIRE Lukku-Láki frá Stóra-Vatnsskarði

Stella frá Hjallanesi I

Hugdís frá Völlum

COLOUR Red tobiano
SIRE Álfgrímur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum
DAM Heiður frá Hjallalandi

NN frá Völlum


Bay (Icelandic jörp)

SIRE Gangster frá Árgerði

Kátína frá Flugumýri II

Nett frá Völlum



SIRE Álfgrímur frá Syðri-Gegnishólum

Njála frá Fellsmúla

NN frá Völlum

COLOUR Chestnut
SIRE Spaði frá Stuðlum I
DAM Gunnvör frá Hvítárholti

NN frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2018287083


SIRE Skaginn frá Skipaskaga

Sónata frá Völlum


Glampi frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2017187083
COLOUR Chestnut tobiano
SIRE Farsæll frá Litla-Garði
DAM Gunnvör frá Hvítárholti
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In the first few years of their life, our foals get to be wild horses and we interact with them as little as possible to allow them to grow up into independent beings that don’t need to rely on us for survival or comfort. Later on, once we have gotten to know them, we will use this space to introduce each foal’s character and little quirks to you. Have a look at our older youngsters for an example.

Harmónía frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2017287083

Chestnut with a star

SIRE Ölnir frá Akranesi

Heiður frá Hjallalandi

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In the first few years of their life, our foals get to be wild horses and we interact with them as little as possible to allow them to grow up into independent beings that don’t need to rely on us for survival or comfort. Later on, once we have gotten to know them, we will use this space to introduce each foal’s character and little quirks to you. Have a look at our older youngsters for an example.

Jódís frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2017287085

Buckskin, no white markings

SIRE Draupnir frá Stuðlum

Kátína frá Flugumýri II

Sigyn frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2017287086
COLOUR Chestnut, no white markings
SIRE Jökull frá Stuðlum
DAM Stella frá Hjallanesi II

Drífa frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2017287087

Bay (Icelandic jörp)

SIRE Lér frá Valhöll

Dröfn frá Akurgerði

Ilmur frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2017187085


SIRE Farsæll frá Litla-Garði

Ísabella frá Midkoti

Ón frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2017287084
COLOUR Chestnut with a star flaxen mane and tail
SIRE Draupnir frá Stuðlum
DAM Ópal frá Hvammi

Yrja frá Fellsmúla

FEIF-ID IS2017281796

Smokey black no white markings

SIRE Draupnir frá Stuðlum

Njála frá Fellsmúla

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In the first few years of their life, our foals get to be wild horses and we interact with them as little as possible to allow them to grow up into independent beings that don’t need to rely on us for survival or comfort. Later on, once we have gotten to know them, we will use this space to introduce each foal’s character and little quirks to you. Have a look at our older youngsters for an example.


Nör frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2016187085
COLOUR Blue dun, no white markings
SIRE Konsert frá Hofi
DAM Njála frá Fellmúla
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In the first few years of their life, our foals get to be wild horses and we interact with them as little as possible to allow them to grow up into independent beings that don’t need to rely on us for survival or comfort. Later on, once we have gotten to know them, we will use this space to introduce each foal’s character and little quirks to you. Have a look at our older youngsters for an example.

Fjalladís frá Fellsmúla

FEIF-ID IS2016281796
COLOUR Black, no white markings
SIRE Púki frá Lækjarbotnum

Kátina frá Flugumyri II

Seyður frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2016187086
COLOUR Chestnut with a star
SIRE Bragur frá Ytra-Hóli

Stella frá Hjallanesi 1

Ísak frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2016187087

Chestnut tobiano

SIRE Lukku-Láki frá Stóra-Vatnsskarði

Ísabella frá Miðkoti

Heiðar frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2016187083

Black, no white markings

SIRE Bragur frá Ytra-Hóli

Heiður frá Hjallalandi

Gyðja frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2016287084

Black, no white markings

SIRE Þröstur frá Hvammi

Gunnvör frá Hvítárholti

Gefjun frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2016287083

Black, no white markings

SIRE Þröstur frá Hvammi

Gleði frá Áslandi


Orka frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2015287083

Black with a blaze, glass-eyed

SIRE Ölnir frá Akranesi

Ópal frá Hvammi

Seyðir frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2015187087
COLOUR Chestnut with a star, flaxen mane and tail
SIRE Kiljan frá Steinnesi
DAM Stella frá Hjallanesi 1

Farsæll frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2015187084

Black, no white markings

SIRE Bragur frá Ytra-Hóli

Njála frá Fellsmúla

Hugða frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2015287084
COLOUR Grey, born chestnut, no white markings
SIRE Gangster frá Árgerði
DAM Heiður frá Hjallalandi

Kjalar frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2015187085

Bay, no white markings

SIRE Kiljan frá Steinnesi

Kátína frá Flugumýri II

Forkur frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2015187077

Black, no white markings

SIRE Glæsir frá Litlu-Sandvík

Fiðla frá Stóra-Vatnsskarði


Hjör frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2014287075

Black with a snip

SIRE Lukku-Láki frá Stóra-Vatnsskarði

Hind frá Hrafnsstöðum

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The gorgeous Hjör has shown immense potential during her basic training so that we hope to present her for overall evaluation in spring to find out if other people think she’s as great as we do.

Hjör was judged with 8.35 for confirmation and 8.02 in total in 2018.

She is a first-class mare of our breeding. She will be judged again in spring 2019.

Hrímey frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2014287074

Bay with a snip

SIRE Eldur frá Torfunesi

Njála frá Fellsmúla

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Little Hrímey with her cute snip shows very promising gaits, energy and overall constitution. Along with her mate Hjör, we hope to have her evaluated in spring 2018.

Hrímey is a promising mare and will be judged in spring 2019.

Eldey frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2014287085
COLOUR Chestnut with a blaze and white socks
SIRE Eldur frá Torfunesi

Elding frá Njálsgerði

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This friendly mare has her heart in the right spot. We are planning to have her judged for conformation in spring 2018. Hopefully, a year from now, she will also be ready for overall evaluation.

Fleyta frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2014287077

Bay dun, no white markings

SIRE Fróði frá Staðartungu
DAM Fiðla frá Stóra-Vatnsskarði

Alrún frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2014287087

Black, no white markings

SIRE Glæsir frá Litlu-Sandvík
DAM Gleði frá Áslandi
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In the first few years of their life, our foals get to be wild horses and we interact with them as little as possible to allow them to grow up into independent beings that don’t need to rely on us for survival or comfort. Later on, once we have gotten to know them, we will use this space to introduce each foal’s character and little quirks to you. Have a look at our older youngsters for an example.

Glóey frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2014287086

Chestnut with a blaze

SIRE Eldur frá Torfunesi

Gunnvör frá Hvítárholti


Vallarsól frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2013287086

Black, no white markings

SIRE Álfur frá Selfossi

Náttsól frá Fellsmúla

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Vallarsól, the sun of the valley or of our farm Vellir, held some surprises for us. When we picked her up from the field to take her in for training, we had to lift her into the trailer, as she had made up her mind not to go. We half expected her to be a stubborn and slightly annoying horse that we would have to struggle with for every little step forward. However, as of her second training session, she was there, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to work. Vallarsól has lots of power and uses her short legs to make big steps. She is going to be a very forward-going horse that shows great promise for breeding shows and competitions. As we hope to keep the old bloodline of Hvoll farm alive through her and her offspring, she has a future in breeding.

Vallarsól was presented at the breeding show in Hella in summer 2017 and got an excellent score with 7.93 for ridden abilities with four gaits shown, and total evaluation of 7.89. Perhaps not surprisingly, she received 9 for a spirit. It will be exciting to see how this young mare improves even more!

Vallarsól was judged with 8.16 for rideability and 8.03 in total in 2018.

She is a first-class mare of our breeding.

Erpur frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2015187086

Chestnut, no white markings

SIRE Kiljan frá Steinnesi

Elding frá Njálsgerði

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This is Hilmir’s little brother Erpur. We hope that he will develop in the same direction. In spring 2016, a few months before he was supposed to come in for his first training, Erpur caught his leg in a wire and sustained quite a nasty injury. We had to take him into the stable for several months to take care of his injury and present him to the vet at regular intervals. Away from his friends and herd and without anyone to play with, Erpur became quite attached to people during this period as well as used to people doing strange things to him. As a consequence, when we took him in for training a few months later, he was unusually accepting and lacked a bit of energy. The strongest reaction we received while breaking him in was a little hop when we first asked him to trott under the rider. He has a nice big trott and we believe him to be a five-gaiter. If he does find his energy in the future, he will have the potential to do well in competitions.

Hremsa frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2013287078

Bay, no white markings

SIRE Glæsir frá Litlu-Sandvík

Bíra frá Svínafelli 2

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This is our very opinionated teddy bear Hremsa. She has a fiercely independent personality and absolutely loves people and cuddles. As long as they stay on the ground. She is not fond of the saddle and doesn’t appreciate being told what to do. While she will do as she’s told, she will also clearly communicate her contempt. We expect her to be a five-gaiter who, at this point in her training, shows mostly trott. When surprised, she will sometimes fall into tölt by accident.

Hvammur frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2013187087
COLOUR Black tobiano
SIRE Álfur frá Selfossi
DAM Ópal frá Hvammi
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With his long legs, long neck and light built, Hvammur is destined to be the ideal sports horse. He is a five-gaiter with big movements and lots of leg action, a feature that, in combination with his physical appearance practically guarantees him a future in five-gaiter competitions. Hvammur has unusual eyes, one of them has a dark iris and the area around it is dark as well, whereas the dark iris on the other side is surrounded by white, one of the many colour surprises in pinto horses.

Sinfónía frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2013287087
COLOUR Black, no white markings
SIRE Seiður frá Flugumýri II
DAM Kátína frá Flugumýri II
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Surprisingly, Sinfónia is nothing like her sister Sónata. She showed good gaits from the start and carried herself nicely without being taught to. She has a sensitive and careful personality and is quite irritable when approached from the left side. Sinfonía requires a good reason to trust her trainer and needs a bit more time than the others to ease into things. Therefore, after being on vacation for a few months following her basic training, she will came back to the farm for a few weeks of training in January, to catch her up with her age group.

Another year in the meadows has served her well and as a five-year-old, she is now ready to follow in Sónata’s footsteps and we hope to be able to present her for evaluation in spring 2018.

Sinfónía was judged with 8.28 for conformation and 8.02 in total in 2018.

She is a first-class mare of our breeding.

Moli frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2013187086

Red bay, no white markings

SIRE Kappi frá Kommu

Hviða frá Halakoti

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Moli is very big for an Icelandic horse (with some more years to grow) and prefers to use his long legs in tölt. In training, he has been calm and easy, however, his older brother is one of our most forward-going horses, so we anticipate that Moli might develop in a similar direction. He will be a good riding horse, potentially suited for five-gait and tölt competitions. His personality is careful but curious and in his herd, he prefers to follow rather than lead.


Sýr frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2012287085

Black, no white markings

SIRE Kappi frá Kommu
DAM Hind frá Hrafnsstöðum
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Sýr is a playful young mare and a bit of a slow learner. In his first year, she paid attention to everything but her trainer and always found something more exciting than the lesson at hand. It was fun to watch her goof around while being longed and doing silly little jumps. She didn’t appreciate the girth at all, when we first put a saddle on her. Like Sónata. we gave her a short break after her first weeks of training and then took her back in to see if she had grown up a bit in the meantime. And she had. After a few additional weeks of training, she suddenly started thinking and processing her lessons and focused more on the rider and her trainer. These days, she is well on her way to becoming a lovely horse with big gaits. Sýr is pretty, friendly and trusting; last time we went to the field to pick up some horses, she jumped on the trailer by herself. Sýr is a five-gaiter and chooses tölt.

Sýr was judged with 8.14 for conformation in 2017.

Hilmir frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2012187086
SIRE Héðinn frá Feti

Fiðla frá Stóra-Vatnsskarði

Sónata frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2012287086
COLOUR Black, no white markings
SIRE Hrannar frá Flugumýri II

Kátína frá Flugumýri II

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Sónata came to us as an oddly-shaped little sausage with legs. From the start, she was a fast eager learner who reacted well to everything, worked through issues by herself and always made an effort to figure out what was expected of her. Our little black pearl, as she is known these days, has a wonderful character with lots of spark, power and willingness. During her first five weeks of training, she showed good gaits, but not a single step of tölt, so we decided to take her in once more a few months later, instead of waiting another year. When she came back for more training in January, all she would do is tölt and tölt and tölt. And then she tölted some more. As a four-year-old, Sónata started looking like a proper horse and the ugly little duckling turned into a beautiful black swan.

In summer 2017, Sónata was presented to the judges and we were incredibly proud when she received first prize with a total score of 8,11. Her score for ridden abilities is 8,13 with 9 for tölt, spirit and general impression. The rider was Jakob Svavar Sigurðsson, who became world champion in Tölt T1 a few weeks later. Ida Thorborg, who got her education at the University of Horse Equine Sciences in Hólar and is responsible for training all our young horses, did an excellent job preparing Sónata for her first breeding show!

Sónata was judged with 8.07 for conformation and 8.11 in total in 2017.

She is a first-class mare of our breeding

Höldur frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2012187085
COLOUR Black, no white markings
SIRE Ægir frá Litlalandi

Gleði frá Áslandi


Muninn frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2011187086

Black, no white markings

SIRE Þröstur frá Hvammi

Gunnvör frá Hvítárholti

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This strong guy has a gorgeous build and promises to become a very nice riding horse. He shows soft, big gaits with elastic movements and his tölt, in particular, is very smooth. He is the full brother of Hrist and like her and his other siblings, he is a little insecure. He matures faster than the others, though, and we are looking forward to introducing him to our tour guests in a a couple of years.

Muninn developed into a good and reliable riding horse and you can meet him on our riding tours.

Léttfeti frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2011187077

Bay, no white markings

SIRE Alvar frá Brautarholti

Hind frá Hrafnsstöðum

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This handsome guy is Léttfeti, our stable dog. Like a loyal puppy, he follows his trainer everywhere, is friendly and easy to handle and practically wags his tail whenever he sees a person. He is always eager to please, almost tripping over himself in excitement. In order to do an extra good job, he tends to collect himself more than his hind legs can carry, which sometimes results in funny jumps when he loses balance. Léttfeti has a tendency to gain weight easily, so we watch his diet and exercise to keep him in shape. He is not easily scared, but pays attention to his surroundings and reacts to his environment. His rider has to know how to use the seat, so that Léttfeti can show his big movements and speed off in into the distance in his preferred gait tölt.

Hlín frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2011287086

Black, no white markings

SIRE Alvar frá Brautarholti

Elding frá Njálsgerði

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Some horses are so easy-going, they practically train themselves. Hlín here is a pretty little horse that looks at the world through big, trusting eyes. She is a little insecure and looks to her human to show her that life is safe. Her insecurity translates to friendliness towards people and a tendency to hide behind them. She will go above and beyond to please and basically broke herself in. She easily accepts new challenges and loves to come over for a cuddle. She shows potential for good gaits, but will need to develop a bit more energy and power to show them better.

Eykur frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2011187078
COLOUR Chestnut, no white markings
SIRE Mjölnir frá Hlemmiskeiði 3
DAM Gremja frá Árbæ
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Eykur is a big and strong guy with lots of potential. His tölt in particular shows lots of promise and he is a great overall riding horse. Eykur is full of power and willingness and always happy to comply. He needs some time to build a relationship of trust with his rider and approaches new situations with skepticism, but is usually fast to accept them.

Gæfa frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2011287085

Chestnut, no white markings

SIRE Arnoddur frá Auðsholtshjáleigu

Elding frá Skammbeinsstöðum 3

Sold to Switzerland


Huginn frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2011187085
COLOUR Faded black, no white markings
SIRE Þröstur frá Hvammi
DAM Gleði frá Áslandi
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Huginn is a very curious horse that loves to play. As he sees every new challenge as a game, he learns really fast and it is both fun as well as funny to train him. Huginn is a five-gaiter and shows strong gaits. When he first came in to be trained, he was experiencing the world the same way human toddlers do, by munching on everything he could reach, which is why we called him Chewey for a while. Huginn is staying with our herd for now, however, he was snatched from us after just three months of training and his new owner comes and visits him regularly.


Hlökk frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2010287085

Blue dun, no white markings

SIRE Fróði frá Staðartungu
DAM Gleði frá Áslandi
Sold to Denmark

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Hlökk is a cute little mare with a wonderful personality and a good mind. Not only is she a fast learner and eager to try new things, she also combines this with a happy, positive nature and an amazing work ethic. Outdoors, she is a bit shy and needs to look at her surroundings very closely. Hlökk is four-gaited and needs a bit of support to hold herself in tölt. Once she has found her step, she shows big movements and high lift. Hlökk found a new owner and left Iceland. We hope she likes the grass in Denmark just as much.

Hrist frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2010287086
COLOUR Bay with a star and a snip
SIRE Þröstur frá Hvammi
DAM Gunnvör frá Hvítárholti
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This girl is all set up for a bright future. Originally an oddly shaped foal, too tall for her own good with long limbs and huge ears, she grew to be a stunning beauty and was judged 7.98 for the building. To this day, she is very tall, which is not without challenges in surroundings built for smaller horses. We expect her to be a five-gaiter, however, she is not trained in flying pace. Hrist is great fun to work with and shows very promising gaits. She is sceptical by nature and really needs to trust her trainer to learn and perform well. Once the trust is established, she learns and follows well.

Hrist was judged with 8.28 for conformation in 2018.


Vaskur frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2009187085

Bay, no white markings

SIRE Gaumur frá Auðsholtshjáleigu

Gunnvör frá Hvítárholti

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Vaskur is a big strong gelding with a medium-forward personality. He tends to be insecure and looks to his rider for reassurance. Initially a bit of a late bloomer, he has developed into a really nice riding horse in the past few years. In summer 2016, he was ready to join us for the first long tours and received very positive feedback. Our guests enjoyed both his character as well as his soft tölt. For now, he still needs a skilled rider to support him in the tölt, but he is showing great promise on his way to becoming a wonderful companion to a leisure rider of medium experience. Vaskur is for sale, please contact us if you are interested.

Vaskur developed into a good and reliable riding horse and you can meet him on our riding tours.

Eir frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2009287085
COLOUR Blue dun, no white markings
SIRE Stáli frá Kjarri
DAM Gleði frá Áslandi
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Beautiful Eir was snatched from us a while back by someone who fell very much in love with her and has left Iceland.

Elna frá Völlum

FEIF-ID IS2009287086

Bay dun, no white markings

SIRE Möller frá Blesastöðum 1A
DAM Gremja frá Árbæ
Sold to Germany
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Elna is a small and energetic mare with a few opinions of her own. She carries herself in a proud and self-confident manner and joined her first Eldhestar tours in summer 2016, some longer as well as some shorter ones. She made a good impression on our guests and they enjoyed riding her. Elna has great potential when it comes to gaits, but needs her rider to help her balance. She can’t go past a bale of hay without having a little snack, so she enjoys regular exercise to keep in shape. She and her younger friend Hrist were hard to separate and would always hang out with each other. Elna found her person and followed her to Germany in autumn 2017.