Neue Reittouren!

Die Lage von Eldhestar inmitten einer der besten Reitgebiete in Island ermöglicht es, unsere Touren immer wieder zu verbessern und neue hinzuzufügen. Die wunderschöne Landschaft Südwestislands bietet eine überraschende Vielfalt in der Natur, die unsere Gäste auf den...


Winter training January is the month when horsemanship in Iceland comes to life. It has been a long tradition in Iceland that most riding horses get a long vacation in autumn.  These regular periods of total freedom with the herd on large fields are considered to be...

Horseshoeing days at Eldhestar

Horseshoeing days at Eldhestar On November 8th and 9th the annual Icelandic horseshoeing days took place at our farm for the second time. Our stable and riding hall where well prepared for farriers from all over the country. The program included a workshop with...