Nun nähern wir uns dem Jahresende, und die Vorbereitungen für 2024 laufen bereits seit einigen Monaten. In diesem Newsletter möchten wir Sie darüber informieren, dass das Hotel Eldhestar größer wird und die Bauarbeiten bereits im Gange sind. Darüber hinaus ist es dem...
It is time to thank all of you who visited us this year. We hope that all our guests that took part in Eldhestar’s tours or stayed at our hotel had a fantastic time. No matter if you spent one hour or an entire week on one of our tours, we hope you collected...
We would like to THANK YOU all who sent us messages worrying about our safety. Eldhestar is perfectly safe, far enough from the area affected by the seismic unrest. It is important to mention that Iceland is not a newbie when it comes to volcanic activity and is very...
In the 35 years that Eldhestar has operated, hundreds of horses have been used in the company’s varied tours. Many visitors and employees have found their favorite horses during these years. Some horses make a lasting impression, others don’t. “Lýsingur in Memoriam”...
Summer 2023 is coming closer. Last summer was one of our best so far. Thanks to you, it was better than expected. Almost all our tours last summer were fully booked. We are grateful to all of you for choosing Eldhestar. Next summer looks good as well. Our...