Eldhestars new brochure for 2018 can now be downloaded, for the English brochure please download it from our home page.We would like to point out that we offer a wide variety of Shorter Tours in autumn, winter, and spring. As in the past years, our popular tours Tour...
In July, our young mares Sónata frá Völlum and Vallarsól frá Völlum were presented to the judges at a breeding show in Hella, and we are incredibly proud of the high scores they received! Sónata received First Prize with a total score of 8.11, an impressive result as...
This time of the year, the days no longer turn to nights and the twilight between sunset and sunrise is still bright enough to read a newspaper. Summer has come! For us, this means the beginning of the long-tour season. We venture further away from civilization and...
Eldhestar Local Staff Competition 2017On Friday, May 12, we held our fourth Eldhestar Local staff competition. 18 riders and horses participated in the competition this year. Most of the horses are owned by Eldhestar, some of which we actually bred ourselves, and the...
Cuteness Overload! While the thermometer climbs to the high teens in the rest of the northern hemisphere and spring is either in full flush or at least right around the corner, here in Iceland, we have a little bit of winter left to go. But even up here we are getting...
Járningarnámskeið verður haldið dagana 1. og 2. Apríl að Völlum í Ölfusi í reiðhöll Eldhesta. Kennari verður Daniel Van Der Blij. Daniel hefur verið starfandi járningarmaður í mörg ár, ásamt að kenna járningar m.a. við Landbúnaðarskólann í Strömsholm. Einnig starfað...