Welcome to our new website Eldhestar is pleased to announce the release of our new website, designed with a fresh new look and a user friendly navigation. We hope you enjoy our new website and would love to hear what you think about it.
Sheep Round Up In Iceland, the sheep round-up has a long tradition. Every year in September we offer this unique experience to our guests as a riding tour. After lambs are born in May the sheep are released to the mountain pastures. During September, they are...
End of summer For us at Eldhestar, it feels like summer was starting yesterday. But the season is actually ending today with the return of the last long tour, the Golden Highlights of the South. Geert, Annette and Kristin are right now on their way back to the farm...
Winter program 2013-2014 As you can now see it on our web site, our winter program 2013-2014 is set, and we are ready to welcome you! This year we offer you many new tours. For a half-day, you will have the chance to use the horse to develop your leadership qualities...