In the last century, the Agricultural School of Hvanneyri was the largest and most well-renowned agricultural school in Iceland. It attracted students from all over the country. For many students, the highlight of the year was the competition in breaking in and...
Die Landwirtschaftschule Hvanneyri war im letzten Jahrhundert die größte und bekannteste Schule ihrer Art in Island. Schüler und Studenten aus dem ganzen Land besuchten sie. Für viele Studenten war der Wettbewerb im Einreiten und Trainieren von Jungpferden, der jedes...
Eldhestars new brochure for 2017 can now be downloaded, please click here! For summer 2017, we have added our new Combo Tour, “Bike & Ride” (tour 4a). This tour will be operated in cooperation with our partner “Reykjavik Bike Tours”...
Eldhestars neue Broschüre 2017 kann jetzt heruntergeladen werden, bitte klicken Sie hier! Neu in der Broschüre 2017 ist die Kombo Tour, “Bike & Ride” (Tour 4a). Diese Tour wird in Kooperation mit unserem Partner “Reykjavik Bike Tours” vom...
Our farm Vellir has changed a bit within the last years, and certainly a lot since the beginning of Eldhestar in 1986! Since 2008, we have added a new stable, the guesthouse, the riding hall, the new part of the restaurant and 10 new rooms. In the first week...