Much has happened at Eldhestar in October. These exciting things come from developments in the trips we offer. For example, in October we announced Trip 33, Riding and Photography Course. The trip sold out. It provided participants opportunities to improve their general knowledge of photography as well as specialize in taking good horse pictures. We at Eldhestar also expect to get many good pictures to illustrate our brochures and homepage next year – see pictures.

The fall enhances Iceland’s great natural beauty and provides more magnificent dazzling light. As the sun gets lower in the sky, you can often experience beautiful sunrises with a diverse spectrum of reddish light. It can be a wonderful experience for everyone to see the sunrise at the horizon and shine right into the rider’s face. This light then changes as the day progresses and, by evening, can fade into beautiful northern lights, shining brightly in the sky – flash-dancing across the heavens. Below, you can see several beautiful fall pictures showing the light’s variety that we can so often experience in fall. We will let the photos speak for themselves…