Environmental affairs have always been close to the heart of Eldhestar’s spokespersons. In 2002, for example, Hótel Eldhestar was the first hotel and guesthouse in Iceland to fulfil the requirements for the Nordic Swan voluntary eco-licensing system. Clearly, opportunities for sound environmental measures are legion. So, when Hey Iceland, in collaboration with Orkusetur (The Energy Agency) and other parties, launched the collaborative project “Recharge in the Barnyard”, Eldhestar immediately jumped aboard. Transport serves many key functions in the tourism industry.  It is therefore only natural to focus on how we can promote making trips between destinations more environmentally sound. Widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EV) in the country is an important step toward reducing greenhouse gases. To speed up the adoption of EV, it is important to expedite the expansion of services for guests wanting to use electric vehicles in their travels around the country. By participating in this project, we want to support the increased use of electric vehicles everywhere in Iceland.

Below, you can see the new recharging station at Hótel Eldhestar that was ready in July, along with plugs to recharge cars outfitted with a charging station.