New look of lobby area

New look of lobby area

The lobby area at Hotel Eldhestar, which was expanded last spring, got newly furnished with Icelandic design just in time for Christmas. We are very pleased to be able to offer our guests such a spacious, cozy sitting area!

Neuer Look der Lobby

 Der Lobbybereich des Hotels, den wir im letzten Frühjahr vergrösserten, wurde rechtzeitig vor Weihnachten mit isländischen Designermöbeln neu gestaltet.  Wir freuen uns sehr, unseren Gästen diesen geräumigen, komfortablen Aufenthaltsbereich bieten zu...

Youngsters completed basic training

Our youngsters born in 2013 recently completed their basic training, a group of promising mares and geldings who are eager to learn. They spent about 8 weeks at the farm and have now returned to our herd, happy to meet with their friends for another year of playing in...
Hvanneyri Agricultural School – 60th Anniversary

Hvanneyri Agricultural School – 60th Anniversary

In the last century, the Agricultural School of Hvanneyri was the largest and most well-renowned agricultural school in Iceland. It attracted students from all over the country. For many students, the highlight of the year was the competition in breaking in and...

60 Jahre Landwirtschaftschule Hvanneyri

Die Landwirtschaftschule Hvanneyri war im letzten Jahrhundert die größte und bekannteste Schule ihrer Art in Island. Schüler und Studenten aus dem ganzen Land besuchten sie. Für viele Studenten war der Wettbewerb im Einreiten und Trainieren von Jungpferden, der jedes...